Become A Donor

Become A Donor
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Clam Goal



– To propagate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ across the globe.

– To promote the revival of apostolic signs, wonders and miracles as of old.

– To win a rich harvest of souls for Christ through aggressive crusades and other evangelistic outreaches.

– To train believers in the “acts of the apostles,” building and equipping them in the art of spiritual warfare.

– To catch the youth for Christ and teach them of Christ to be world changers.

– To give succour to the less-privileged, widows, orphans and the aged through the establishment of maternity homes, hospitals, hospices and care-giving facilities.

– To enforce the name of Jesus globally for land redemption.